Get To The Greatest Generation’s Heart Through Their Boomers
We’ve all heard it. The Greatest Generation is too old. Too set in their ways. And they’re cheap to boot. Can it actually pay off to try and reach them? Sometimes the answer is right in front of your face.
Baby boomers and their parents are living longer than anyone expected. “Most boomers’ parents are in their 80’s, and even though they might not call themselves “the Greatest,” it’s a better name than “senior citizen.” As PADV discovered, most don’t like the name “senior” anything.
They are well known for being fiercely independent, but they do listen to what their children have to say. These parents raised the boomers, sent them to college, and were always there when the kids needed help. Now, just as though those parents are tightening their retirement purse strings, their Boomer kids have the means to return the favor. You can’t do business with the Greatest Generation without reaching out to the Boomers they raised.

PADV created a website that had to speak to both audiences: the Generation Great parents – who are in no hurry to go off to a Home, and their Boomer children – who want to know their parents are healthy and well. Stay Home Safe has a business model that provides the right answers for both audiences.
To reach the two generations simultaneously, PADV established a sensibility that appealed to both. The scenes chosen for the site’s headers portrayed the abundant love-of-life of the senior parents, while the shaded frame for those lifestyle photos was a straightforward graphic design that appealed to the Boomers’ sense of professionalism and experience. Even the message was simple, “Comfort, convenience and peace of mind.”

Depending on the product, it could conceivably be a challenge to reach both those audiences at the same time, but it would be fiscally irresponsible not to try.